The Ultimate Guide to Preparing Your Lawn for Summer

The Ultimate Guide to Preparing Your Lawn for Summer | supreme lawn and landscaping | summer lawn care

As the snow melts away and the days grow longer, homeowners in Central Minnesota begin to dream of lush, green lawns and blooming gardens. Summer is a time for outdoor fun, but it’s important to prepare your lawn for the season’s activities. At Supreme Lawn & Landscaping, we understand the importance of summer lawn care, and we’re here to guide you through every step.

Step 1: Clean Up

Start with a thorough clean-up to remove any debris, leaves, and branches that have accumulated over the winter. Cleaning up your lawn not only makes it look better, but also stops mold and diseases from growing in organic debris. Pay special attention to any areas where snow and ice may have compacted the soil, as these will need particular care.

Step 2: Aerate the Soil

Compacted soil can hinder the growth of your lawn by preventing air, water, and nutrients from reaching the root system. Aeration is the process of making small holes in the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots. This helps the roots grow deeply and produce a stronger, more vigorous lawn. Spring or early summer is the perfect time for this task.

Step 3: Overseed

Overseeding is vital for maintaining a thick, lush lawn. It involves spreading grass seed over your existing lawn. This practice fills in bare spots, improves the density of the lawn, and enhances its color. Choose a seed that matches the current lawn type and conditions of your area, ensuring it can withstand the local climate.

Step 4: Fertilize

Fertilizing provides your lawn with essential nutrients necessary for growth. In early summer, use a slow-release nitrogen fertilizer to feed your lawn throughout the season. Be cautious not to over-fertilize, as this can lead to rapid growth, which might not be sustainable during the hotter months.

Step 5: Adjust Your Mowing Height

As summer approaches, adjust the blade on your mower to cut the grass at a higher setting. Taller grass shades the soil, which reduces water evaporation and keeps roots cooler during hot weather. Aim to keep your grass about three inches in height, and never remove more than one-third of the grass blade in a single mowing.

Step 6: Water Efficiently

Proper watering is crucial during the summer months. It’s best to water your lawn deeply and less frequently to encourage drought-tolerant roots. Early morning is the ideal time to water, as it reduces evaporation and the risk of fungal diseases.

Preparing your lawn for summer is not just about enhancing its appearance; it’s about creating a resilient landscape that can withstand the heat and activity of the season. By following these steps, you ensure that your lawn remains a beautiful and enjoyable space all summer long.

For those who prefer professional care, the MNLA (Minnesota Nursery & Landscape Association) experts at Supreme Lawn & Landscaping offers comprehensive services to prepare your lawn for summer, ensuring it is healthy, green, and vibrant. Let us take the hassle out of lawn care, so you can focus on enjoying your beautiful outdoor space.

Get ready to enjoy a perfect summer lawn with the help of Supreme Lawn & Landscaping. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help make your lawn the envy of the neighborhood!

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